Hints & Tips
• Putting your elephant ears on take practice – at first it will feel difficult. Keep practicing, it gets easier.
• Try using your elephant ears in different situations – inside and outside of the work environment.
• Tune into when your hippo appears – are there certain situations where this happens more often? Can you work out why that is?
Elephants and Hippos
High quality relationships are built on a foundation of trust, respect and safety.
We can create that environment by paying attention to each other, listening more and connecting with our colleagues .
A great way to practice this is to think of Elephants and Hippos!
Elephants. Have big ears and little mouths – they spend a lot of time listening and less time talking.
Hippos. Have small ears and big mouths – they don’t take much time to truly listen to their colleagues and are always talking! This is a way of deciding how you want to connect with your colleagues – how much time do you listen and pay attention to what is going on? In what other ways could you be there more for others?
Next time you are in a team meeting see how curious you can be – what questions can you ask to find out more about what is happening for others?
With your elephant ears on, take 5 minutes a day to listen without interrupting others.
Ask a teammate what help they need.
Ask for some help in return.
Try these out:
Hints & Tips
• Create a consumer profile that you can connect with – if it’s hard to find connections with their choices, can you connect with some of their challenges?
• Sometimes we think we can’t be creative – be playful and use your imagination.
• Maybe add some elements of other people you know or used to know who use our products.
Consumer Jack
Creating a consumer-centric culture helps us to really live our values and provide the best possible product and service. We put quality, pride, connection and passion at the heart of the work we do.
Visualise for a moment a consumer that you can connect with - answer some questions to help you:
• What does your consumer think about? Feel about? What sorts of things do they do? For work and outside of work?
• What are their characteristics?
• What’s their favourite song? Food? Place to go on holiday?
• Why do they buy our products? What do they buy? Why do they buy that brand?
• Create your consumer profile – be as creative as you like – use words, colours, pictures, phrases.
If we can build a connection with our consumers we can become curious about what they want and need and it becomes easier to put them at the centre of things.
Building connection comes from understanding who they are and why they do what they do. Creating a consumer profile helps you to build that connection.