As the weather hots up, take our short summer quiz to find out if your comms are as cool as a cucumber, or make you hot under the collar.


Question 1

What do your colleagues say when people ask them what they do at work?

They can sum up their role in a few words – and why it’s important to the organisation
They’re clear about their own role, but that’s as far as it goes
They deny all knowledge of your organisation

Question 2

How clear was your last comms announcement?

Clear as day: we saw positive action afterwards
As clear as the previous one: some people got it; others didn’t
Clear as mud

Question 3

Are your line managers strong communicators?

Generally, yes – they have access to learning and development tools too
Hit and miss – some are stronger than others
They’re less engaged than their teams are
Now review your answers

Mostly As: you are too cool for school – the Fonz of internal comms. Take a breather to pat yourself on the back… but remember you’re only as good as your last project.

Mostly Bs: your comms are as changeable as a British summer, going from hot to cold in a matter of hours.

Mostly Cs: the heat is on… and you’ve got some work to do, but then you probably knew that already.

However you scored, we can help you to get a clearer understanding of the temperature of your communications and how they measure up. Our quick analysis gives you practical recommendations to help you stay cool in the heat of comms. Contact to find out more about our measurement, quick surveys and audit services.