SmartPub support

Thank you for downloading SmartPub.

Logging in

If you are having trouble logging in please check your email for registration details and if you are sure they are correct email

Potential issues:

  1. You don't see any content please check you have a live connection to the internet. Your content is pulled from the internet and if you aren’t connected you won’t get the latest information.

  2. You can’t submit an order. If you get to the order page and try to submit but it won’t then please check internet connectivity.

  3. If the app won’t install on your phone please make sure you have the latest update to iOS

  4. You want to change information in the pub but can’t. Only some information is allowed to be updated. E.g. you can’t change your pub name. Please speak to your rep.

Other issues

If you have any other issues with access please email and one of the team will help.